Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Fun Day

Just a few pictures of Wyatt enjoying the morning sunshine before it got too hot!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Marietta Day Trip

Wyatt and I went over to Marietta to see Papa Jack for Father's Day and we took him and Elena out to lunch to this really cute burger place. Following lunch, we went over to watch Grammy finish up her tennis match...and she won! Wyatt must be her little good luck charm :) Here they are before the match watching some of the other tennis players...we interrupted Wyatt's viewing for a quick photo op, but as you can see, he was pretty focused on the ball. We might have a future tennis player in the family!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Where did my baby go?

Wyatt is almost 10 months in these pictures, and I just can't help but notice that he looks more like a little boy then my baby boy. He's walking around everywhere (with assistance), feeding himself solid foods, cutting teeth, and developing the biggest and sweetest personality you ever did see. Time sure is flying by and I really just wish it would slow down! 

 Here is Wyatt being silly as he motors around the edge of the couch

 Little buddy having a little snack

Running errands with mommy and daddy

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Beach Trip to Destin, FL

We went to Destin, FL the last week in May for a big family get together and had a wonderful time. This was Wyatt's second trip to the beach following his journey down to Anna Maria Island when he was just 2 1/2 months old. He really enjoyed the water at the pool and chilling in his float. He was OK with the sand, but not too impressed and found it to be a little messy. On Saturday we went deep sea fishing and caught a ton of red snapper...enough to feed 17 people later that night at dinner! Everyone was waiting for us at the doc when we returned to see our loot, including our biggest little fan :) We're looking forward to more beach trips in the future where we can teach Wyatt how to build sand castles, search for sea shells, and ride the waves!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Best Buds

Hailey and Wyatt are really starting to have a lot of fun together now that he's mobile and is more aware of her. He laughs when we walk up to the house and he can see her waiting for us at the door, and he loves to throw his toys and watch her chase them. They are sure to have a ball once they are both running around!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Future Golfer?

 In honor of the Nationwide event this weekend in Athens, I dressed Wyatt up in plaid and polo, complete with his Payne Stewart hat.

Here Wyatt is at the Stadion Classic, a Nationwide Tour event held at UGA's golf course. Joe's college teammate, Aron Price, was playing in the tournament so we all went as a family to cheer him on! This was Wyatt's first golf tournament experience, and I'm sure it won't be his last.