Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dr. Appointment - Regular Check Up

Today I had a regular check up with the OBGYN, and fortunately, there was no poking, prodding, or chugging involved :) My blood pressure was normal and I got a thumbs up from the doctor because I've only gained 10 pounds since the start of my pregnancy. We listened to Wyatt's heart beat and he's still in the 150s in terms of beats per minute. They measured my stomach and the Dr. said he was right on track in terms of growth for 28 weeks. Hello 3rd trimester! We talked about C-Sections, Episiotomies, and Epidurals. I told the Dr. that whatever brought Wyatt into this world and me though delivery the safest (and most comfortable) was fine with me! I guess I'm now on the every 2 week visit since I'm in my 3rd trimester, so my next appointment is June 9th.

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