Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dr. Appt. - 38.5 weeks

Yesterday I had my last appt with my OB/GYN before Wyatt gets here. On Wednesday, August 10th I check into the hospital at 6pm where they will induce me. Nothing will probably happen until Thursday afternoon, maybe even EARLY morning on Friday. Wyatt seems to be pretty stubborn as I'm showing no signs of dilation. They did say that because of all the Jeopardy I've been watching and he's been hearing, his head is measuring 2 weeks ahead...OUCH! Hopefully he'll come on his own before next Wednesday...I've been doing a lot of walking and I'm going to test out the Eggplant Parmesan theory as well :) I'm so excited I can't sleep...have yet to fall asleep before 1:30am any day this week so far. Friday is my last day at work before I head out on maternity leave. As of today, I've been pregnant for 270 days and I feel like I'm about to pop. And speaking of "popping", my belly button is doing its best to become an outie again...lovely.

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