Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sick baby

Our sweet little guy has a cold. He had a dry, hoarse sounding cough on Friday and then sounded like he was getting better come Sunday, but when I woke him up on Monday...he looked pitiful. The first picture is us waiting to see the doctor. They're making him do these breathing treatments with a's vaporizes the medicine to help clear up his chest congestion. The second group of photos is Wyatt doing his treatment. Despite the look he's giving in the first picture, he really doesn't seem to mind them. We went back again on today for his follow up appointment and now he has an ear infection in his left ear, although it doesn't seem to bother him all that much. I tell you what...I'm ready for it to warm up so all of these winter colds go away! Now I'm coming down with a stuffy nose...ugh.

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