Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter weekend was incredibly busy this year! On Friday, we grilled out for 11 adults, 4 children and 2 dogs!! The kabobs, tomato/cucumber/onion salad, and asian slaw turned out good and the company was even better. It was great to catch up with everyone now that we all seem to be spread out around the southeast. On Saturday, we got up and headed out to the Oconee Veterans Park so Wyatt could meet the Easter bunny. They had a little egg hunt set up for the kids, but Wyatt wasn't really into it. Later that afternoon, I ran a 5K + 1 extra mile (4.2 miles total) and I pushed Wyatt in the jogging stroller (pictures to come in another blog post). It was put on by the Terrapin Brewery, so the best part about the entire run was the cold beer at the end :) Saturday night, we went over to Grandma DeDe and Joe P's house for Easter supper. Wyatt got himself a little Easter basket, as did his're never too old for the Easter bunny :) On Sunday morning, Wyatt, Joe, and I got up at 7am and headed over to Marietta where we met up with Grammy LiLi. We had some fun in the backyard and then headed to a neighborhood park to see the ducks (geese) and go for a little swing. We finished the day off over at Grandpa Jak and Grandma Elena's house for some grilled turkey and company. It was a busy weekend but it was wonderful to spend time with everyone! Can't wait until next year when Wyatt can hunt for the eggs!!!

Wyatt meets the Easter bunny

Granny LiLi gives Wyatt a lift! 

Daddy and Wyatt watching the geese

Wyatt LOVES to swing! Check out his super cute hat!!!

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