I work for a Property Management company and manage 14 different home owner and condo associations. About once every 3 months, I go on call for the week (we're all on rotation). One of our properties is called University Tower, and it's the really old building in downtown Athens that is conveniently located on top of a ghetto fabulous night club and Indian restaurant. The building has a pungent smell of curry and Black & Mild cigars...every pregnant woman's dream!
So I get a phone call at 3:00am on Friday night/Saturday morning that the fire alarm is going off. Joe was definitely going with me and we figured it would be a quick task, so we decided to take the dog for a joyride as well. Well we get down there and the firemen were waiting for me to turn off the alarm. I have an "on call" book that explains what to do if this happens, etc. Because this is not a property that I normally manage, I proceeded to follow the steps in the book. Much to no avail, the alarm did not turn off. At this point, the adrenaline was starting to wear off and frustration and panic was setting in. I finally managed to get the alarm silenced with the help of a random resident (not sure how she got the code), but at that point, I did not care. While I'm talking to the fire alarm technician on the phone, I started to feel a little warm and light headed...probably because at this point it's 4am, I'm exhausted, and I hadn't had anything to eat or drink. Joe tells me that he's going to go and move the car and I said go ahead. The next conversation that was had was between Joe and one of the firemen. The fireman came up to Joe as he's getting out of the car (mind you it's pouring down rain and there is about a foot of water in the parking lot) and said, "Does your wife have a history of passing out or having seizures?" Naturally, Joe went into panic mode, said "Oh my God, she's pregnant", and races though the parking lot and now has water up to his knees.
Joe comes in the building just as I'm waking up to the fireman saying, "Are you OK? Did you hit your head?" I informed the fireman that "I'm fine, I did not hit my head, and the alarm tech said everything would be OK...the alarm is silenced but the building will still be monitored and the alarm will sound should something else set it off." Then I proceeded to tell him that I was 13 months pregnant. He shot Joe a funny look and I quickly corrected myself and said, "13 weeks, I mean 13 weeks!" He said everything is fine and we've called an ambulance for you. Great...how embarrassing!
So my night ended with me sitting in the back of an ambulance having my vitals checked...blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. I'm usually 120 over 79, and I think at that point my blood pressure had gone up to 148 over 84. I told the EMTs that I felt fine and that I'm not a morning person and usually feel a little nauseated if I have to get up super early, to which 3am clearly is!
After Joe and I got back in the car to head home, I informed him that I really wanted a water and a blueberry doughnut. We got to Dunkin' Dounuts at 4:50am (they open at 5am), and I demanded that we wait in the parking lot until they open because I'm not going home without a blueberry doughnut. :) I think we finally ended up getting home close to 5:30am. What a night!
Flash forward to 3am the next night (Saturday night/Sunday morning):
Get yet another phone call at 1am stating that the University Tower alarm is going off...you've got to be kidding me! Apparently too much smoke (remember the Black & Milds) was coming from the night club and it set off the smoke detectors and alarm. At that point, I just gave the fire marshal the code over the phone. No way was I going back to that place, and how mortifying if it would have been the same crew. I go back to sleep and get a phone call 2 hours later at 3am from the fire marshal saying that while they were conducting a head count in the night club, someone activated one of the fire alarm pull stations on the 6th floor. They said they silenced the alarm, but needed someone to head back down with a key to reset the pull station. Back in the car we get (minus the dog this time) and head down to my least favorite place to save the world! This time, it smelled like rancid broccoli. Ugh.
Needless to say, I'm really looking to Thursday morning so I can pass this stupid on-call phone off to someone else!
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