Today I had my glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes. They make you drink this sugary sweet stuff and you have to get it down within 5 minutes. It's not bad a first, but by the time you get to the end of it, it's sickeningly sweet. I like to call the stuff Jolt for babies, because Wyatt started kicking about a minute after I finished drinking it.
I was then sent to one of the rooms to meet up with the nurse. They took my blood pressure (98 over 70). I thought it was low, but she said it was normal for the 2nd trimester. They then listened to Wyatt's heart beat...137bpm...healthy and strong. I started to feel kind of faint and queasy and told the nurse that I needed to lay down. After I felt a little better, I was sent to the lab for my blood work.
They have to take your blood at exactly one hour after you finish drinking the glucose solution. I remember thinking while I was sitting in the waiting room for the nurse to take my blood sample, "You better hurry up lady, because I feel like I'm going to be sick and I really don't want to have to do this test again." Fortunately, I managed to have my blood drawn without any hiccups and then headed to my car for a snack to get my body feeling normal again. It's amazing what a handful of walnuts can do for a pregnant lady!
The doctor said no news is good news, so hopefully they don't call me before Friday, which is when the results should come in. Otherwise, I'll have to take the 3 hour test which consists of drinking that icky stuff again (possibly a larger dose), and then having my blood drawn once an hour for 3 hours. Please cross your fingers that the first test comes back normal.
On a positive note, I've only gained 6 pounds :)