Friday, March 25, 2011
Happy Birthday Hailey Girl!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
It's a......

We found out today that we are going to have a beautiful baby boy! The first picture shows his little head, abdomen, and right arm. It also looks like this little boy is going to have long legs like his mommy and strong legs like his daddy. The 3rd picture is the proof that it's a boy. We are so excited, and Joe said he was pumped. He couldn't stop smiling the whole time we were at the doctor's office. We also saw the baby's heart beat (153 bpm) and he had the case of the hiccups...so cute! He was wiggling all over the place and then fell asleep during the ultrasound. The doctor said both baby and mom are as healthy as can be. My blood pressure this time was 125 over 70. Total weight gain...2 pounds. :) Baby is measuring at exactly 19 weeks and 3 days. August 13th can't get here fast enough!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Baby Movin', Mama Groovin'

(Photo Disclaimer: No, this is not my tummy)
So this weekend, Joe and I took it easy and did some things around the house...ie, cleaning. I also started a handwritten journal addressed to our child that talks about what we did each day and with whom, and talks about what's happening in the world, etc. so that I can pass it along when he/she starts a family of their own one day. I was taking time this weekend to get caught up in the journal and felt a definite flutter in my tummy. I've felt movement before, but they were one time occurrences and I passed them off as just normal rumbles of the stomach. But today was different, it was a constant flutter and it went on for about 5 minutes or so. So at exactly 19 weeks, the baby was just dancing away. I made sure to document that little movement in the journal as well! What a neat feeling, and even more special that tomorrow we find out if baby Peters is a boy or girl :) Any guesses as to what you think the baby is?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
My Hailey Girl
Our blog is mainly focused on the baby, Joe, and what's going on with me, but I have to give some love to our little girl Hailey. I might be a little biased, but she really is the best dog in the whole wide world! She's always in a good mood, very well behaved, so good with children and other dogs, and is the best snuggler. She dominates the dogs on TV when it comes to her own acrobatics in catching the Frisbee and she can outrun just about any dog she's gotten the chance to play with. She loves to play when it's time to play and she'll sit quietly next to you when you want to rest; however, she doesn't have a problem in telling you that she wants something...yes, she really does talk to you. I love her so much and can't believe that she's going to be six years old on March 25th. Here are some pictures I took of her this afternoon while we were all outside enjoying this beautiful weather.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Broccoli Stir Fry
So this has been an exceptionally difficult week...both at work and dealing with work after I get home in the form of headaches. Last night was exceptionally bad and what was a headache turned into a full blown MIGRAINE. I got home around 6pm and after letting Hailey go out to play, I immediately laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. I woke up and called Joe around 7pm. He was just leaving Turner Field and wouldn't be back until around 8:30, so I told him I would try and find something in the pantry to heat up because I didn't want to wait until 8:30 to eat. After I hung up, I fell back asleep and woke up around 8:00pm. Since Joe still wasn't home and I had waited this long, I asked if he could swing by McDonald's and get a chicken nugget happy meal. When Joe got home, he told me that in the drive through the lady asked him, "girl or boy?" For a second, Joe thought...how does she know my wife is pregnant? He then said, "excuse me?" to which she replied, "Do you want a girl toy or a boy toy...for your Happy Meal?" He said he kind of laughed and then said "boy". I proceeded to laugh a little and then tried to eat a few nuggets, but my headache was making me feel nauseous, which then turned into a full blown pregnancy meltdown! I started bawling my eyes out because my head hurt so bad and I felt sick to my stomach. Joe asked if a heating pad would help, and I told him to just cut my head off. He said that wasn't an option, so I told him that I wanted something cold and to go look in the freezer for a bag of peas or something. He came back and put something on my head and I asked in a small whiny voice, "Are those peas?" Joe then said, "Nope...broccoli stir fry!" If I didn't think that the picture of me with a bag of stir fry on my head, tears streaming out of my eyes, and a happy meal on my lap wasn't going to be used as blackmail down the road, I would have let Joe take a picture and would have posted it here because it was definitely a sight to see. Hopefully the story is equally entertaining. I feel better now, but I'm really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow :) thank goodness for Saturdays!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Baby's First Concert

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Grandpa JAK
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