Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2 months old!!!

Happy 2 month birthday sweet boy! Where has the time gone? At two months, you are just a ball of personality and your cute smile melts our hearts! Here is what you are doing now that you are 2 months old:

  • Smiling all the time and you laughed for the first time on your 2 month birthday

  • You LOVE to play on your activity mat and look at the flashing lights and hit all of the dangling objects with your hands and feet

  • You seem to enjoy going for walks in the stroller and fall asleep in the middle of our strolls most of the time

  • You slept through the night for the first time on the night of your 2 month birthday...11pm to 6:30am! 

  • When mommy sticks out her tongue at you, you can stick yours out back at her

  • You can sit up in your Bumbo chair as seen in the picture below
  • You love to take baths now

I can't believe how fast you are growing. You are almost getting too heavy for mommy to carry you in your carseat...seriously, I think you weigh close to 12 pounds already! You are drinking 5 oz at each feeding, sometimes 6oz! That's what some 10 month olds drink! You make all sorts of oohs and ahs when playing with your toys, having your diaper changed, and when you look at mommy and daddy. You always wake up happy and you love to cuddle!

We love you Wyatt! Happy 2 month birthday little buddy!

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