Sunday, October 30, 2011

Beach Baby

 Last week we headed down to Anna Maria Island, Florida to take Wyatt to the beach for the first time. Grandma LiLi, Wyatt, and I drove down on Saturday and then Joe came down on Tuesday to join us. Wyatt did great both on the way down and on the way back. We only had to stop once during the 8 1/2 hour trip, and that was for lunch both ways. I got a little beach tent for Wyatt so that he would be out of the sun while we were on the beach, and we put his little activity mat inside the tent and he was as happy as a clam. He didn't seem to mind getting the sand between his toes either...looks like he's going to love the beach as much as his daddy and I do! Can't wait until our next trip when he's running around and building sand castles!!!

 Sweet little beach toes

 I love mommy

 Even though I'm giving a funny face, this is my best buddy in the whole world!

 Little lobster trunks, courtesy of Aunt Kelly

Surfer Baby

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