Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend in Charlotte, NC

This past weekend we went up to Charlotte, NC to visit Reid and Catherine Waller and their little girl, Daly.  Wyatt is exactly one week older than Daly but looks HUGE compared to her. I picked up Daly after holding Wyatt and she felt as light as a feather! Looks like our little guy isn't going to be so little for long! Here is a picture of Wyatt (left) and Daly at the table of the Mexican restaurant we ate at on Friday night.

We also took Hailey with us because Reid and Catherine have her sister, Chloe. Here is a picture of Chloe watching Wyatt as he plays on his activity mat.

Wyatt did great on the car ride up to Charlotte and slept for the entire 3 hour drive. On the way back, he slept most of the way but was ready to stretch out and quickly became frustrated with the confines of his car seat.

At least Hailey seemed to be enjoying herself :)

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