This morning I had a regular check up with the doctor. It was a short appointment...just long enough to check vitals, measure baby, etc. So far, I've gained a total of 12 pounds during my pregnancy (I think 2 of those pounds were the coffee and big glass of water I drank on my way there). My blood pressure was 122 over 68 and Wyatt's heartbeat has remained in the 150's. We're pretty consistent all the way around. I asked the nurse if there was any cause for concern that because I'm not really gaining weight between appointments, is Wyatt growing enough. She said I was doing fine and measured my stomach and estimated him to be around 4 pounds and he's measuring at 35 weeks (I'm only 33 weeks plus a few days). Because I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead, she's sneaking in an extra ultrasound for me at my next appointment to get an exact measurement so we'll get to see our little guy on camera one more time before he makes his grand debut :) My next appointment is in 2 weeks and then I go every week after that. Not much longer!
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