This morning I had a regular check up with the OB/GYN. I am 30 weeks and 5 days along...not much further to go! The doctor now has me on a 2-3 week visit cycle and he said that I'm right on track. My blood pressure was 126/62. I told the nurse that my diastolic number keeps getting lower, but she didn't seem to have a problem with it and said that my blood pressure is pretty normal for where I'm at in my pregnancy. We listened to Wyatt's heart beat and he's still in the 150s in terms of beats per minute....consistent little guy. The doctor measured my stomach and said that I'm measuring exactly where I should be and that Wyatt probably weighs around 3 pounds at this point. The other day, I noticed a small rash on the upper portion of my abdomen. I wasn't sure if it was a bug bite (a bug flew down my shirt the other day while I was meeting my neighbors for the first time, so I couldn't exactly reach down there and get it out or see what it was) or if it is indeed a rash. It's three little bumps in a perfect line. I also have the same bump on the left side of my chest. I asked the Dr. if it was PUPPS. He said it was a little too early to tell and that it's kind of early for PUPPS to be showing if that is what it is. PUPPS is a hives like rash that strikes about 1/200 pregnant women. It can be extremely itchy and annoying, but poses no threat to the baby. It also goes away within 48 - 72 hours after delivery. The doctor said to apply an over the counter Benadryl or Steroid Cream to the rash...hopefully that works because I really don't want to be itching all summer long. I'm sure that the heat coupled with sweat doesn't help the situation either. If I do in fact get it...would have been nice to have those kinds of odds with lotto tickets, not PUPPS!
On a side note, we're just about finished with the nursery! I made a blue and white striped valance to go over the window and Joe and I hung it up last night. It took 4 nights to get the darn thing mounted to the wall...the first night, there's only a six inch clearance between the wall and the front of the valance, and our drill was too big. So Joe went out and bought a smaller drill and on night two, we realized that the battery pack that we already had did not fit the smaller drill (the larger drill is a 12 volt and the smaller drill is an 18 volt). On day three, Joe went and bought an 18 volt battery to fit the smaller drill, only to find out when he got home that someone placed a 16 volt battery in the 18 volt packaging. At this point I was starting to think that this would never get done. So finally on day 4, the battery fit the drill and we managed to get the valance hung. Looks great by the way and I will post pictures when I get a chance to take them. All we have to do now is hang the navy blue curtains, which hopefully will be far less complicated.
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