So it's pretty obvious that I don't know what to expect while I'm expecting. I woke up around 5:00am this morning to make yet another routine trip to the bathroom. Usually when this happens, I shuffle on over, urinate, go back to bed, and immediately feel like I need to pee again. However, this time was different. I actually felt relieved after I went pee, and sort of convinced myself that maybe my water had broken? I distinctly remember sitting there thinking, wow...this was quite productive. I don't feel like I have to pee anymore, my stomach doesn't feel as bloated and it looks as if it even shrunk a little compared to my Beluga state last night after eating Mexican food for dinner. That's when I started thinking that maybe this was more than just a routine trip to the bathroom...perhaps my water had broken at the same time? I checked the toilet and everything looked normal and no different than it normally did, so I flushed and went back to bed. When I lied back down, Wyatt started moving all over the place but he felt different...It was like I could feel each little toe on his foot whereas before I would just feel a large mass trying to push through the walls of my uterus. I told Joe that something felt different and I explained my thoughts to him. I immediately hit the message boards and began searching "What happens when your water breaks" and "Can your water break while peeing" and "Can you have contractions without your water breaking"...the list goes on. At the same time, Joe is searching around on the Mayo Clinic's website. I couldn't find anything convincing, so I went back to sleep and thought I was being overly paranoid.
So then I get to the office and everyone that I work with has children of their own or is pregnant just like me. I asked my coworker Tonya, since she's the only one who's water actually broke on its own, if she felt like her stomach shrunk afterwards. She said, "Yeah, a little bit....Oh my gosh, did your water break?" Then I told her the story and I said "I don't know, maybe." She said, "Oh my gosh, you better call the doctor, what if it actually did...why aren't you calling the doctor yet?" So I figured, why not...to ease my peace of mind, I'll call the doctor. They said to come on it and they'll check everything out just to be sure nothing ruptured.
Turns out, everything was fine. The examination was quite painful, but there was no presence of amniotic fluid leaking, and I hadn't dilated anymore. She did say that my cervix was 50% thinned out and I'm right on track. I asked her if I was going to make it to August and she seemed to think so. Wyatt's heart beat was at 160 bpm, my blood pressure was 130 over 80, and my right ankle was nowhere to be found (it's pretty swollen). I'm already having contractions, but they are not painful....yet.
I called Joe to let him know what the doctor said....huge sigh of relief on his end and he was glad that I made the decision to call the doctor just to make sure everything was all right. Poor thing is so worried about me, the health and safety of the baby, and getting everything done at work and at home before Wyatt gets here that he rubbed the top of his foot raw in his sleep the other night! Poor thing!
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